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Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE)

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Potential Sponsor,

  • As we approach our annual Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE) conference, we wanted to share an opportunity to not only support our conference but share your support of extension education in developing regions as one of our Conference Sponsors. AIAEE is a non-profit organization that is the professional association for agricultural leaders focusing on developing regions. Our participants include:

    • University professionals
    • University graduate students seeking opportunities
    • Extension professionals
    • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
  • Our 2025 conference is being hosted by the University of Kentucky in beautiful Inverness, Scotland. We are extremely excited about this event, and we hope you can be a part of our conference! View our Sponsor Letter or view below details. 

    Our conference includes a variety of research sessions, business and committee meetings and regional tours to gain experiences in the region. The conference is a catalyst for professional development through our sessions, collaboration sessions, as well as our focus on supporting graduate student engagement through our student sessions.  Your support helps make this happen!  View the following sponsorship levels and please share your interest so that we can get your support setup and properly plan for how we can collaborate on you support of our conference.


    Sponsor Benefits / Recognition
     Corporate / Leader
    Sponsor $3,000
    Sponsor $1,000
     Full Pg. Sponsor
    (Proceedings) $500
     1/2 Page Sponsor
    (Proceedings) $300
     Student Sponsor
    (Student Social) $200
    Attendee Emails (post-conference) - allows you to share a direct message with conference attendees as a key supporter of AIAEE. Larger Exposure on Website and Proceedings  
    Exhibitor Booth - allows you to ineract with our members as they register and attend sessionsXX   
    Featured at conference meetings & sessions - shares your logo and name at each main session X X   

    Logos on Conference Webpage & Conference items - displayed for one year on our main site and permanently listed on conference site.

    Conference Proceedings 
    1/2 Page
    Student Social Ad
    Logo on AIAEE Website & Confernce Site  X
    Main Site & Conference
    Main Site & Conference
    Main Site & Conference
    Conference Site

    Conference Site

    To be listed as a sponsor, please complete the following two-steps.

  • 1.    Send your formal request for your level and who to address the invoice to:  AIAEE Treasurer.

  • 2.    Send your logo to to be recognized throughout the conference for your contribution level.

  • 3.    Conference questions and other sponsorship opportunities, contact conference chair Kristina Hains,

Thank you in advance for your support!  We would not be able to do this without our sponsors.

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